Wax Guild Candidacy Announcement — BlokCrafters

4 min readSep 5, 2019


BlokCrafters are pleased to announce our Guild Candidacy for the WAX block chain. We believe WAX has a huge potential to impact the digital asset trading industry for the greater good. We at BlokCrafters are excited to earn the trust and confidence of the WAX community. As gamers ourselves we are proud to apply as a WAX Guild. WAX on!

Public website URL

Social media links



Official WAX Guild candidate name

  • blokcrafters

Location of company headquarters

  • Clearwater, Florida

Expected location of servers

  • Virginia: Producer Node
  • Texas: Seed Node

Type of servers

  • Fully Scalable hybrid Bare Metal/Cloud Service
  • Bare metal based producer Node
  • Cloud based non-producer Nodes


  • High performance Block production


Nickeles Kerkinni (Co-Founder at BlokCrafters)
Brandon Dickey (Co-Founder at BlokCrafters)
Dan Dickey (Senior Systems Engineer)
Fuat Kerkinni (Senior Software Engineer)

Technical specs/resource expenditure for WAX block chain

Bare Metal Producer Node

CPU: Intel 2x E5-2660 32 cores @ 2.2GHz

RAM: 256GB

Storage: 240GB SSD Raid

Cloud Seed Node

CPU: AMD EPYC 7601 @ 2200 MHz


Storage: 80GB SSD

Our thoughts on…


  • At BlokCrafters, we will always make decisions based on what is best for the WAX community before serving our own interests. We will not perform any vote buying or pooling schemes with block rewards. WAX Guilds should act independently and voting should be aligned with the interests of the community. This is why we are excited for the Inspector Generals role in the ecosystem. This will enable the WAX community to have a safe place to go and evaluate each Guild in a easily digestible form and make informed decisions on voting for Guilds that are generating value based on the metrics they evaluate Guilds on (Inspector General).

Transparency & Accountability

  • We here at BlokCrafters own 100% of our company. As an independently owned company that is self-funded, we have complete control over the direction of the Guild. This means we will not be influenced by any outside force. We think this is key to being a quality Guild that will drive value back to the community. BlokCrafters is committed to remaining as transparent as possible. You can find our ownership information here. On there is where we will keep the community up to date with what we are working on.


  • As the WAX chain launches we will be ready to produce blocks as either a top 21 Guild or as a stand by Guild. We plan on applying proper key management with cold storage of owner keys and apply transparent communication with the WAX community regarding security. We will have 24/7 monitoring of our systems & Dan has 25+ years in systems and security.


  • We understand the WAX block chain relies on the infrastructure of the Guilds. That is why we think proper up-time in block production is critical to a successful Guild. Our current infrastructure meets the requirements of the WAX block chain. Our producer node is running on a bare metal server in a data center with high up-time. Our other nodes run on a Cloud service provider we have found to be secure. We plan on upgrading to a full bare metal infrastructure with a back-up Producer Node by 2020 by utilizing multiple service providers and proceed to work to our goal of a full bare metal infrastructure. As time moves on we will be continuously working around the clock on server maintenance as well as performance. Our next blog post will be focusing on server maintenance and performance regarding our infrastructure so please stay tuned!

Community Benefit

We are a new company formed for the purpose of being a Guild for the WAX block chain. BlokCrafters will only focus our resources on the WAX block chain and will not be registering as block producers on any other EOS sister chain. This ensures that all of our resources will be used to create tools that we hope will drive value back to the WAX ecosystem. Keep up to date with what we are working on here and poke around do not be afraid to reach out and ask questions! WAX on!

Thank you for your time and patience, we appreciate your support.

